My part time job is babysitting at a church that put up a sign at the YMCA for help. I have been going in on Sunday's at 10 am. That is 30 minutes before church starts and church lasts an hour. They have a rule that children need to have two people with them. I am a paid worker and the other person is a volunteer.
At the end of the summer, it's been almost two years. I really like it and the money helped me afford payments on a sectional that I couldn't have afford. Now, that it's paid off.. I think of the payment paying on my phone bill.
I have always felt like I have to hunt down paper towels and tissues. I don't believe it's my place to provide these items. Once, after a big celebration for when the pastor retired, I came in to the nursery smelling and had to empty the trash and ask for a trash bag.
Typically, I was only have 1 to 3 children but honestly averaging only one. If it was two it was cause on some weeks I bought my grand daughter. Every since the pastor retired his daughter hasn't been back yet and she was the only one that brought her child in consistently. There is one or two children that could be in the daycare but to their parents credit they stay with their parents for the service.
I only get children 3 and under or it might be 4 and under. I don't recall what is the age is that they go up to bible classes. I know in the summer I had more kids because they didn't do the classes during the summer.
The daughter of the pastor came up with the idea that they would come up with a lesson plan and I would teach about God. I am not super religious but I tried my best. They provide some crafts but a lot of the lesson plans call for items that we all may have around the house or may not. Personally, I didn't have much luck getting the attention of a 2 year old so sit for more than 30 seconds to do the lesson plan.
Lately, there haven't been any children since the pastor retired. I mostly sit in the nursery and clean up or I have a few times sat in on the service. To the credit of the church they faithfully pay me.
Last week, I water the plants and hundreds of ants came off the plant and it grossed me out. I filled the sink with water and was smashing bugs. I am killing God's creation in a church. :) Well, anyways, I told the person that I have been told to tell maintenance things and he said he would take care of it.
I get there this morning and the plant and ants are still in the sink filled with water. There is ants on the counter. I am beyond pissed. I took the plant threw it in my trash can and the plant that didn't have bugs and threw it away too. Then, I closed it up and threw the whole bag in the trash in the fireside room. (where ppl hang out before and after church)
My volunteer walks in to tell me she had a part in the service but would try to pop in and out. She was my son's OT therapist last year so I guess I know her enough to speak my mind. I said, "your the first volunteer in 3 weeks that bothered to even check in with me" I told her the story about the ants last week and how I am tired of chasing supplies down. I said what would happen if a new family came to look at the church and found a sink full of ants?
Later, a lady came in and said she part of a something about Christian teaching and had asked me if I had gotten any recent lesson plans. I told her no and she showed me where they are and I tried to explain to her that many of these lessons requires supplies that I don't have. Also, I think this age just doesn't have the attention span. I tried to explain to her that we have lots of bible stories and music and a few other Christian related things we have done without it being a lesson plan. My big thing is that I DON"T HAVE ANY CHILDREN! Why are they worried about me reading over lesson plans when I don't have children? and it's like they are clueless. I am not going to hunt down tons of items for children who are not showing up. I just don't have anymore time to give this church for what they pay me. It's really not even about the money. I don't have the free time or do want to give up the little time I do have to hunt items down.
However, I don't mind reading the bible studies or books about God's teachings. I don't mind listening to Christian music or modifying a couple of the Christian games that like memory and go fish that are in the room that are Christian. I just think that they are asking too much out of me and the children. I think money could be better spent than someone hunting around all these supplies that we might use if I get any children in.
I wonder how long they will pay me if I don't have any children. The 100 a month won't break me but it sure comes in handy. I think they need to focus their efforts on making the daycare looks nice. Throw out the beat up kids tents and maybe replace it with another one. Buy a few new toys and make the room look presentable as possible. Number one rule. No ants!!!
They haven't hired a pastor yet. They have a lady pastor until they decide on someone. I hope the new one brings some new families. Without MELD, I don't have my little kid fix. I especially miss the babies. I have my grand daughter and I wouldn't trade her for ten newborns but it would be nice to get the baby fix taking care of.
Besides, the church, today was one of those days that Stephen went crazy. He actually locked himself in his room by beating on the door but freaked even more when he couldn't get it open. He thought we were holding it shut and we had a hard time getting in. Without making this even longer he used the word "rush" which is making me think that his daily school life is "Rush Rush Rush" I will save that post for another day.