Majority of this blog is about adoption loss. I am also the Mom to a 21 year old son and a 16 year old son. I am fresh out of adoption related topics so I will use this blog to write just about whatever is going on in my life and may throw in adoption and reunion in here when the urge hits me. I recently went thru a bad divorce. I know it was quick but I found love and that has brought me much needed happiness. I may write about my relationship at times.
I am still depressed, but that's probably won't change for a while. Meet my baby girl. Isn't she pretty? She loves to carry her water bowl around outside. Does anyone have any advice to keep her from spilling?
I meant to put her name down, but I forgot. It's Ann. She is a great dog. My youngest son who is only 9 is able to walk her. He says she is acting as a guard dog.
what a beauty! i know a handsome fella that would love to meet her :) as for the water dish thing - sorry, no advice.
She is adorable! I've got to ask what your beauty queen's name is. :) Whenever I'm down, I find so much comfort in my dogs. They are just pure love.
I meant to put her name down, but I forgot. It's Ann. She is a great dog. My youngest son who is only 9 is able to walk her. He says she is acting as a guard dog.
She's adorable!
And hang in there, I hope things improve for you soon.
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