Monday, September 6, 2010

Every once in a while, I like to remind people that I do have the private blog that I write in when it comes to my thoughts and feelings about my contact with my daughter. If anyone is interested and especially if you are part of the triangle of adoption. Just send me your email address and as long as I can get a feel for who you are. I will send you an invite.


Susie said...

Maybe I'm blind, but I couldn't find your email address! I would love to follow your private blog. My blogger profile has my email address.


riversnake said...

I would also like to follow your private blog but couldn't find your email address either.

I am an adoptive mother of one through open kinship adoption. My email address is jhpreston at gmail dot com. My blog is Adoption A'int for Sissies on blogspot.

Thank you. I look forward to learning more about your experience and your relationship with your daughter after years of closed adoption. I find support through reading blogs of other adoptive parents but feel I learn and am prepared as an aparent the most by blogs written by first parents and adoptees.

~ Jill