Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My good stuff

I have been able to splurge on myself. I got some new summer clothes and a new swimming suit.
I was able to have lunch with Alex and bought him a few things for this summer.
My husband bought me a mp3 player.
I learned how to use the mp3 player.
The mp3 player (music) gives me some energy to do things that haven't been getting taken care of.
I started the clean up of the basement.
I did some more yard work. I got down my first tree. My husband helped with some yard work too.
My husband and I have been getting along really well.
Stephen is on Spring Vacation now.
I spent a little time with baby girl.
I enjoyed the excitement of playing with the Mom's meld group boys.
We have a new little girl hanging out in the neighborhood.
I made a few more dollars as a caregiver. We won't get into how this client wasn't fun to be around though.
I was able to buy some much needed tools for the yard work.
Ann, my dog, lets me put saddle bags on her and we been going for more walks.
The heat is off and the windows are open.
I got new followers on my blog.
I called about the free to low cost summer camp and it is open. (not effected by cuts)


Jen said...

I love how you just wrote your thoughts like that! :-) It was fun to read.

Michelle said...

Wonderful! :)

Leah said...

I love your good things. In the bad, there is always some good as well. Isn't having the windows open wonderful? Especially when sleeping. I love it. :-D

J said...

Great post...I enjoyed reading your happy thoughts!