A while back, I posted about wanting to do something to make a difference in people's life. I have been in contact with an organization that houses offers assistance to young people who become pregnant. Meld offers so much more than housing. It assist them in life skills and parenting classes and such. I have an appointment to meet with someone tomorrow to talk about babysitting on Monday nights while the Mom's and Dad's are in classes. I am excited for this chance to help someone. I hope I can be strong enough to see little babies and not be jealous of what they have. I hope I can take pride in knowing that I am helping a family stay together even if it's in a small way. I hope it can be a step in the right direction to be finding some healing and peace. I hope I can teach my boys kindness and use the program as a starting point for preventing pregnancies in young people.
I know this can't change what happened to me and my daughter, but just maybe I can be part of an organization that is assisting young people. I love that they assist them with life skills. I can't wait to get started.
obviously I'm reading your blog backwards. I have read a little and I will come back to read some more but i just want to say I can understand how difficult this must be for you!
I have no experience of exactly what you have been through but I have depression and I know how that works!
I really feel for you and am glad that you are able to use this blog as an outlet for your feelings. I don't want to criticise your husband this is obviously beyond his comprehension but if he loves you then he should support you and try to understand.
It must have been a very difficult choice for you to make and it's actions are obviously weighing heavy on you. I admire what you did as you have provided someone with a mcuh loved child but that doesn't mean you didn't love them too.
I hope you can find peace sometime soon.
By the way I have a bunny too called dandelion and she is lovely. I'm sure your bunny is loving her new accommodation!
God Bless You
Love Teri xxx
Thanks for your interest in my blog. My husband and I have mad some major struggles and while some of what I say here sounds bad, but it's been worse. He has improved, but we have a long way to go. Also, I admit that I am probably guilty at not always remembering to talk about the good things.
Feel free to read and ask any questions.
Sounds like a cool thing you are going to be doing! Hope it goes well.
rhink its great!
Just wanted to let you know that there's an award for you on my blog...
Meld sounds like a really good program. That's really nice that you're helping people in the program, too. Good luck with it.
You already made a difference to me. I love reading your comments on my blog. I don't think anyone can relate to what a birth mother goes through, even years after an adoption takes place. I have tried to understand that so I can help my daughter with questions as she grows old enough to ask them, and also to better communicate with her birth mother. Thank you for being who you are and for letting us all share your incredible story.
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