Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow blogger and reader friend's!! Hope your holiday is enjoyable with family and a great meal.

I am thankful for a lot of things this year.

Gonna list some but not in any order really.

My family. My children. My reunion with Izzy. Our visits with her went smooth this time around. Greatful to working for a company that treats us pretty well. My pets. My weight loss sucess. Being able to replace the majority of my clothes. The pleasure of actually finding clothes that fit at thrift shops. My long term clients. I still own my own home. Our nice weather so far. Hot chocolate in the winter. I kicked my McDonald's habit. I reduced my soda intake from about 6 liters a day to about 2. I have a good running car. My new friends that I gained from the retreat for special needs. My blogger friends who get adoption stuff. My readers. The child support is coming again. We got past my son's 18th birthday. My love of reading and writing. My special friend Pam who fills a little bit of a role of Mom who I miss out with my own. My friend Rachel who I have known for about ten years.

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