Sunday, October 6, 2013

My trip is getting closer and I am having second doubts about my decision to go. I am not sure if it's the nerves or the smaller checks I will earn due to taking time off. I will be going basically as getting a free ride. I won't have money to chip in for gas. I will have money to pay for myself to eat but I imagine my Mom might try to pay to feed me but not sure. Not sure if I can honestly turn down free meals and not feel like a mooch.

It's seems like all at once my son is needing quite a few things and it's the things that can't be put off too long.. Like some new shoes, a new winter coat and really could use a little bit of clothes.

I really need a new phone. I tried Stright talk and it just sucked!! I can't stand it. I know a cell phone isn't as high of a need but we don't have a home phone so me having a working phone is important. It's not that I will put on cash for the phone cause they have a deal but I will have to pay about 20 more than I have been paying the last couple months. but it will still be about 30 to 40 cheaper than what I have been paying for almost 2 years.

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